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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 6, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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day. but they are advising people not to take highway 17 because of all the congestion. if you are planning on attending the event at the hp pavilion, the suggestion is to use mass transit. we're live in santa cruz. damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, damian. tomorrow more than 200 law enforcement vehicles will be joining the motor kad, making the 33 mile trek from san jose. the route begins tomorrow morning in santa cruz. it will head up ocean street to highway 17 as damian mentioned. from there it will go to highway 85 south to highway north before exiting julian street and arriving at the hp pavilion. there will be rolling road closures along the road and the procession will take up both lanes of highway 17 at 30 to 40 miles per hour. drivers can follow, but they cannot pass the procession on the highway. we will be broadcasting live at noon tomorrow. a programming note as well, we will be airing "days of our
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lives" at friday at 3:00 in the morning. so set your dvrs. let's turn our attention to weather. wind and rain whipping through the bay area and snow on the sierra. more is on the the way. jeff ranieri is in the weather center tracking the possibility now of more severe weather. >> yeah, that's right. we're done with one storm now and have another lining up off the coastline the storm system moved through last night through the san jose picture. we have a little in san jose moving towards mount hamilton. we will be done with that in the next 30 minutes or so. that's the nature of what we will continue to find tonight. how about the rain? major rainfall that varied widely over an inch to aspen bay. and 24-hour wind gusts that topped nearly 60-mile-per-hour in fremont. san jose with a top wind gust of 38.
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now here comes the coastal storm system for thursday. it's going to be a very tricky storm track. if it moves more inland, we could see more activity in the pacific and may not see anything at all. we'll detail the time line and when the best chance will be in the thunderstorm coming up. >> jeff, we'll see you in a little bit. they thought it was his boat. two of three people arrested when the stolen boat ran aground are out of jail tonight. the san mateo county district believed their story that the third person on board, leslie gardner, convinced them he recently inherited that multimillion dollar sailboat. he is being held on $1 million bond. the sailboat got stuck at 5:30 on sunday morning. first the coast guard tried to rescue the trio. they refused help. then news crews came to view the scene. the owner saw them on tv and called police to report his yacht missing. every dog has his day.
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a robbery suspect surrendered because he didn't want to be bitten by a police dog. this started at 4:00 a.m. a robbery turned into a hostage situation at a marijuana grow house. when armed tactical officers entered the building on jennings street in the bay view district, the suspect heard the barking police dog and quickly gave up. three other suspects were also arrested. as for the four hostages, all were unharmed and released. >> you see the tactical officers clear the building. so they're confident that there are no more suspects inside the building. at this point the investigators will go through and search the building for weapons or any other type of evidence that may be related to the crime. >> the four hostages were working at the grow house. police are now checking records to see if the operation was legal or not. also in san francisco, a suspicious house fire. firefighters found marijuana plants on all three levels of the home in the city's inner sunset neighborhood. they also found stacks of mail from various addresses.
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firefighters say the residents altered the home's electrical system, and that may be the cause of the fire. a follow-up to breaking news we brought you yesterday. a registered sex offender is back in jail after he broke into a woman's home early yesterday morning. san jose police arrested 29-year-old ryan on suspicion of burglary. they say, though, that he's a registered sex offender and out on probation for burglary. officers found him when he tried to leave the neighborhood on monterey road off highway 101. he was using a smart phone with a scanner app that allowed him to listen to san jose police radio. he was also wearing an ankle bracelet. they all showed up with their hard hats on ready to make a pitch. three high profile bay area neighbors uniting for football, specifically the super bowl. they want it in santa clara. that's where we bring in kris sanchez from the 49ers new stadium. what's the progress with the stadium and the super bowl bid?
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>> reporter: well, we certainly can answer both of them for you. we do know they are going to employ the same strategy the 49ers used in getting to the super bowl in trying to get to host the super bowl here in 2016. 35% there. the san francisco 49ers new stadium in santa clara is on schedule to be completely the start of the 2014 season and as serious as the work is here, so too is the work blind the scenes to bring super bowl 50 to the bay area in 2016. >> we're talking about bringing the bowl to the baf. it is going to take a regional effort. it's going to take a lot of hard work. >> for they they tapped bay area mayors and points in between for a show of what is to be a team effort. >> i think between the golden gate and silicone valley, we cannot be beat. >> this is a treejal project with regional benefits. >> and though the 49ers left san francisco to build their $1.2 billion stadium in santa clara,
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san francisco mayor ed lee says he's ready to move on. >> i've already turned the page on niners filling the stadium. i'm glad to see this going as well as it is because it's really a commitment to the economy of the whole region. >> the leader of the super bowl team doesn't say how much super bowl 50 would generate but has said other cities have claimed a quarter to a half trillion dollar influx. the size of the unity and diversity is the bay area's commitment to sustainability. >> we have enough solar panels for our ten home games to be powered by the sun. we'll be completely net neutral to the grid for our home games. that's something that nobody else can say in the world in sporting events. >> but in business as in sports, you have to want it to win it. >> we want that super bowl 50
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very badly. >> reporter: if they win, we'll have the super bowl here. if they lose to miami, they're entered into the running for 2017. kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> sthauthank you, kris. using a headache as an excuse to avoid sex may not work much longer. and researchers here have found ha new cell with the same potential as embryonic stem cells. i'll have more on that discovery coming up. and before you sit down for dinner, you may be surprised at a new side effect to adding s t salt.
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we're following breaking news in the south bay. it's happening in san jose. here's the map. police are investigating the city's seventh homicide of the
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year on golden oak way near the guadalupe park. officers found a man in his late teens or early 20s sufferg from a stab wound before 4:00. so less than an hour ago, or about an hour ago. we have a crew on the scene. we'll bring you more details as soon as they come into the newsroom. : do not pass the salt. too much salt in your diet may worsen autoimmune systems. they used mice to understand how salt and genes interact with the immune system. mice with more salt in their diet has more cells associated with an immune system attack. i have a headache may not be a good excuse anymore. when it comes to migraines, sex may be the cure. more than half of migraine sufferers who were intimate during their pain had improved systems and one in five were left with no pain at all. researchers believed sexual
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activity may trigger the release of endor fins and they say the natural painkillers may work better than medication. the passionate pain relief was more effective on men than women. today former arizona congresswoman gabbi giffords returned to the site where she was shot more than two years ago. >> be bold. be courageous. please support background checks. thank you very much. >> it was an emotional scene. 16 people killed and 13 others injured during a meet and greet in 2011. background checks, the national gun registry and restrictions will also be discussed tomorrow. coming up at 6:00, sam brock from nbc bay area will put the objections to those ideas under the reality check magnifying glass, learn about the history of gun grabs by the government in the united states, that's
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tonight at 6:00. >> they like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. >> these are live pictures now. a scene from mr. smith goes to washington. rand paul is staging a filibuster on the senate floor. he's been talking for quite a while. he started at 8:45 this morning. that's our time. the only time he stopped is to allow for questions for other senators. he's been going the whole way there. senator paul is against the drone program. the nominee for the director supports the program. the filibuster delayed his confirmation vote. >> and while paul is stalling the vote, the house passed a bill to prevent a government shutdown. the bill will fund federal operations through september.
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the dow set another new regard today, closing at 14296. for a brief moment the dow broke the 14,000300 barrier. thousands of travelers stranded across the midwest and the east coast because of a late winter storm that dumped several feet of slushy snow. in chicago a roof collapsed under the weight of the wet snow. a school bus lost control and crashed into some nearby apartments. you see the scene here. a power is off for a lot of people living in virginia. the the storm is choking air travel. not just in the east coast. but it has a ripple effect in the west coast. 3, 600 flights have been canceled so far. and while is snow is causing chaos for people on the east coast, it's causing cash registers to ding in the sierra.
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>> mike is joining us from the sierra where it's a late winter wonder land. mike? >> reporter: yeah, as good as this is for the businesses up here, well, if you were traveling today, it was bad. mainly because of the yo-yo effect between the sunshine and the snow. jackknifed. smashed. rushed to an ambulance. >> it's terrible. it's awful. >> reporter: this is a look at yet another wave of winter weather that shuts down part of interstate 80 travel in the sierra. >> that's going to this be a problem. >> reporter: just after noon, four people in the car lost control after this big rig driver jackknifed in front of them. >> i don't want to talk about it. >> reporter: the race to treat four injured people shut down westbound i-80. the backup stretched nearly a mile. >> you've been stuck in this. >> about an hour and ten minutes. >> another issue at doner's summit. >> rollovers. yeah, rollovers. >> reporter: that stopped all
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eastbound traffic after the driver of this liberty truck flipped on another stretch. >> hit some black ice. it spun me out. >> and instead of constant heavy snowfall, drivers instead have faced a yo-yoing of storm cells, between peeks of sunshine and bouts of heavy snow, making sierra driving a challenge. >> it was awful. it was really terrible. it was blowing and then like a whiteout. >> like you couldn't see? >> yeah. and then it was like this. we had sun for a few minutes and then it would start. then more snow. it was bad. >> reporter: and back here live, it's not all bad news up here, though. this is the snow that fell. look how light and powdery that is. if you're a skier or snowboarder, tomorrow, not that i'm advocating, may be a good day to call in sick and come play in all the new powder. back to you. >> all right, mike. we were just saying, mike always
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plays with the snow when he's out in if sierra. we were wondering when he was going to do, and there it was at the end. >> let's go from mike to jeff ranieri in the weather center. are we expecting more rain for us? >> we're going to see a for more showers. right now, a few more scatters snow showers over the next few hours. but you're done with the heaviest snowfall. for us we ha seen the heaviest rainfall pushing to the east. but that's also clearing out. a little reprieve in between systems. right now temperatures in the 50s across the board and also cloudy. feeling like winter no doubt outside this afternoon. let's get a live look of the hd sky camera network. there's the shower we tracked earlier in the show. and a little bit east, you see the hills are green and cloudy.
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we're trying to catch up for the rain season. and in san francisco, an incredible shot tonight on the right hand side of your screen. so for tomorrow, here's what we have happening. the storm developing offshore. and it's going to be tricky. a little too far inland we'll stay dry. and too far out we'll also stay dry. most forecast models bring this right down the immediate coastline, which at this point will give us about a 50/50 shot here of scattered showers. if those scattered thunderstorms develop we can't rule out isolated areas of hail. it's not going to take far to get hail to form. and we'll also see the best chance of rain at the immediate coastline. we'll find mainly cloud cover.
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but the best shot of the afternoon thunderstorms at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. here right along the coast. that will also help to ignite potentially thunderstorms. highest totals in the south bay. tonight temperatures in the mid to upper 30s in the north bay and for tomorrow we are expecting day tame highs to top out in the mid to upper 50s. on your seven day forecast, here we go. numbers going to be warming up and dpriing out by this upcoming weekend with the time change on sunday. i have been in quite a glory moment here. we finally have rainfall, and i'm loving it. >> coming up next, the accidental discovery by scientists that could fight debilitating diseases. stay with us.
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call it a happy accident, bay area researchers studying the difference between healthy
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cancer cells and dangerous ones have made a discovery. >> breast tissue cells have the same characteristics as stem cells. marianne fav vro is here are a closer look. >> what's so promising about the special cells is they can change and become a potential type of cell. so researchers hope they can generate insulin to help people with diabetes. and that's just the beginning. researchers are looking to understand more about breast cancer when they made an unexpected discovery, special cells from breast tissue that have the ability to change, much like embryonic stem cells. >> they can turn into breast tissue or nerve tissue. they can turn into beating heart cells or blood vessels or they can turn into pancreas and tissues like that up. >> up until now researchers believed only embryonic cells had the potential to change.
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they didn't think adult cells had the potential. >> isolated from the breast. >> the lab the researchers were able to change the breast tish sure cells into these heart cells. >> this could be used for neurorow degenerative diseases, alzheimer's, et cetera. it may be used for repairing damaged cardiac tissue. >> it may be even be used to produce eyelet cells to help people with diabetes. researchers here at ucsf are now looking into the changeable cells found in breast tissue can also be found in men. the hope is that finding will one day enable doctors to harness the power of the body patch kit, to repair organs, tissues and bones. researchers are studying if the special, changeable cells be found in other parts of the
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body, such as skin, fat and blood. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> that is a remarkable discovery.
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are we ready for a little more wetness before the sun comes up? >> i'm ready. we love this weather in the weather department. we have a chance of scattered thunderstorms for tomorrow. temperatures in the mid 50s may produce a little bit of hail. then we start to clear out by friday, saturday and sunday. looking pretty good for this upcoming weekend, you guys. >> and we'll will losing an hour of sleep this weekend. >> no. we will spring forward. that will be fun. thanks for watching. ♪ roundup
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♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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on our broadcast tonight, a triple threat from what's turned out to be an unpredictable winter storm. pounding snow, 60-mile-an-hour winds. now the danger of flooding. and evacuations are under way tonight, along the already torn up atlantic coast. sounding the alarm about nightmare superbugs in our hospitals, now in 42 states, highly contagious, deadly and drug-resistant. the new warning tonight. sharp disagreement over allowing knives back on airplanes. tonight, federal air marshals are saying not so fast. and bay of light. after 75 years in the shadow of the great golden gate, finally, a chance to shine. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world
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headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. and for a lot of folks in the eastern u.s., here we go again. take a look at a live picture from point pleasant, new jersey. an angry atlantic ocean, winds expected to gust to 60 miles per hour before it's all over. and while there is really good news tonight for the folks where this winter storm didn't pan out, the bad news is, it covers a wide area. some places are getting a lot more precipitation than they expected. it's bringing a lot of trouble to a lot of people. that includes snow. hundreds of thousands of people without power in eight states. it shut town federal offices in washington today. and as we mentioned, this is going to be a nervous night up and down the seaboard with tonight's high tide and then again tomorrow. the shoreline so torn up from hurricane sandy, and in some places driven by high winds and big waves, the water is already


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